Mio's Delectables

Portland, OR U.S.A.

503-765-7012 ( Text Message Only)

Mio's Delectables offers

the best hand-crafted pastries

perfected with

French tradition


Japanese refined simplicity

in Portland, OR.

Kiyokawa Family Orchards Red Anjou Pear Almond Galette w/ Raspberry Confiture 1.75lb /790g 7.5" x 4"


Kiyokawa Family Orchards Red Anjou Pear Almond Galette w/ Raspberry Confiture 1.75lb /790g 7.5" x 4"


Ingredients: Wheat flour, unsalted butter, organic cane sugar, fleur de sel (salt), apples, eggs, lemon, milk, corn starch, vanilla paste, sour cream, skim milk, almonds, Pear, Raspberry

(butter cookies: organic cane sugar, fleur de sel, salt, baking soda, All Purpose flour, unsalted butter)

Kiyokawa Family Orchards' luxurious masterpiece, made with a generous amount of sweet and fragrant Red Anjou pears. It goes perfectly with raspberry confiture. From this year, it has a deeper flavor with a layer of almond cream. Enjoy with wine or tea.Please store this product in a cool place at room temperature until Christmas. It will be even more delicious if you warm it up in an oven at 350℉ for 20-25 minutes.

The pickup location and date are as follows. Please choose from the following two locations in the payment pickup section.

1.) Saturday, December 21st at the PSU Farmers Market Mio's Delectables booth from 9:00am to 2:00pm

Address: 1803 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR 97201

2.) Tuesday, December 24th at Mio's Delectables Studio from 10am to noon

Address: 4121 SE Lambert St. Portland, OR 97202

We look forward to your order!

There will be no refunds for those who do not pick up their pre-ordered items.


(バタークッキー: 有機きび砂糖, フルール・ド・セル 塩, 重曹, 小麦粉, 無塩バター)

Kiyokawa Family Orchardsの甘く豊かな香りのレッドアンジュの洋梨をふんだんに使った贅沢な逸品です。ラズベリーのコンフィチュールとの相性が抜群です。今年からは、アーモンドクリームを敷き詰めてより深みのある味わいとなりました。ワインや紅茶と一緒にどうぞ。こちらの商品は常温の寒いところにクリスマスまで保管してください。350℉のオーブンで、20−25分ほど温めてからですと更に一層美味しく召し上がって頂けます。


1.) 12月21日土曜日PSU Farmers Market Mio's Delectablesのブースにて午前9時から午後2時まで

住所: 1803 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR 97201

2.)12月24日火曜日Mio's Delectables Studioにて午前10時から正午まで

住所: 4121 SE Lambert St. Portland, OR 97202



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